Obs att receptet mot Indianerna nu används mot vårt eget folk.  Om vi inte har någon invändning mot vad som gjorts mot dem kan vi knappast ha någon invändning mot vad som görs mot oss själva.  Annars är vi hycklare.  Receptet är att lura folk som inte förstår en högre lag* till att flytta in till områden där en högre lag tillämpas, för att med dessa okunniga bryta sönder den högre lagen.  Processen kan tillämpas i flera steg, tills slutresultatet blir något annat än mänskligt.  "Horn: […] all the people around us that were rioting against us, the racism and hanging us in effigy and burning it every night. They were so angry at us for objecting. We are not supposed to object to anything.  Robles: You were objecting to them destroying a graveyard, right?  Horn: Yes, a ceremonial site."  (Part 3: It’s been a struggle being a Mohawkhttp://jar2.com/Interviews/Kahntineta_Bear.html .)

Kaparbolag lockade okunniga invandrare till Great Turtle Island och talade om för dem att det nu var deras.  Bolagen “The Corporation of the United States” och “the Corporation of Canada” bildades för detta.  När de rättmätiga invånarna protesterade så hånade och mördade man dem.  I storleksordningen 100 000 000 rättmätiga invånare mördades enbart på Great Turtle Island.

De okunniga ditlurade förstår inte att de kommer att lämnas i sticket med ansvaret för de brott de understött när "skiten träffar fläkten":  "Horn: Well, those people that are being left behind, they are left holding the bag and they are the ones that don't understand what is going on, they don’t see it. No matter how much you explain it to them and you tell them they do not see it because they are the people that are used to be taken care of and being ordered around and being obedient. That is the kind of people they are. So these people are staying. We are going to end up having to take care of these people." (February 2014 Part 1: Canada's $650 Trillion Indian Trust Being Stolen, http://jar2.com/Interviews/Kahntineta_Bear.html .)  Jämför dessa European invaders med Soros-Horderna…  What Goes Around, Comes Around…  Karma!

*:  "The Great Law of Peace is to bring peace not just to the Great Turtle Island but throughout the world. That’s why that law was given to our people. The Mohawk have this very… you know. We feel it! Right inside ourselves."  ("The Mohawk: Keepers of the Eastern Door of Great Turtle Island - Part One",  http://jar2.com/Interviews/Kahntineta_Bear.html .)

The Gai Eneshah Go' Nah — the Great Law of Peace http://jar2.com/Files/Indigenous/Gayanerekowa_The_Great_Law_of_Peace_En.pdf — is meant for all humanity, say Kahn-Tineta Horn / Kahentinetha Horn, Mohawk Indian of the Bear Clan and Mohawk Nation Elder in an interview some years back with John Anthony Robles II for Voice Of Russia, archived at  http://jar2.com/Interviews/Kahntineta_Bear.html .

Det finns riktiga människor som förstår högre lag även på våra stränder.  En är Michael O'Bernicia.  Han är nu en viktig del i lagliga och legala storverk gentemot de parasiter som i så många hundra år, med hjälp av nyttiga och köpta idioter, har förföljt världens urfolk.  Det var därför jag tweetade, "Will the British Isles Finally Expunge those Parasites who have persecuted the Indigenous peoples of the world for so many hundreds of years now?"  Se hans artikel via tweetet.  Finns på  https://twitter.com/legenet .

Excerpt out of an interview 6 years ago with a protector of the Gai Eneshah Go' Nah – the Great Law of Peace, Canada is in Fact a Corporation - Part Two, where John Anthony Robles II interviews Kahn-Tineta Horn / Kahentinetha Horn, Mohawk Indian of the Bear Clan and Mohawk Nation Elder, for Voice Of Russia.  Archived at  http://jar2.com/Interviews/Kahntineta_Bear.html .

"This is John Robles, I am speaking with Kahentinetha Horn, she’s a Mohawk Indian and a member of the Bear Clan. She is also the owner and publisher of the Mohawk News web resource.

Robles: Western democracies were based on Indian law and Indian relationships between nations and tribes and clans. In Europe they had monarchies, there was no such concept as democracy.

Horn: No, they didn’t and they still don’t understand true democracy. They call it democracy, they call themselves liberal democracies but in fact the way we see it looking at it, it is very autocratic, it is a very autocratic hierarchical governing system with somebody at the top and then everybody else beneath obeying that person at the top. That is totally opposite to our system.

I mean ours is kind of like an upside-down pyramid; the people are the ones that make all the decisions and we have a criteria we have to follow, peace, righteousness in power, and it all comes from our philosophy. We can’t violate our philosophy. We have to think about it, we have to enforce it and basically what it is is that it creates a peace that we want, the balance between us and let’s say we have adversaries, well, we have to find a way to balance the peaceful relationship with whoever our adversaries are. If they don’t want to become peaceful with us and follow the Great Law, then we have to fight with them.

Robles: What advice would you give to current world leaders to solve all the problems in the world?

Horn: Well, the Great Law peace is there, that is our philosophy. They can follow the roots of peace to the source, sit and take shade under the tree and learn about the Great Law. That is what we do, that is what we are trying to train and put into the minds of the people all over the world.

There doesn’t have to be war. War is part of the way the world is run, you have people that want money and more money, and more money, and so what they do is they create war and it’s an ongoing war there is never an end to war and they want money and then they want resources and the resources they want belong to somebody else, so they’ve got to go on in there and create a war and start destroying those people and bringing them into submission and they take the land of the indigenous people, they take the resources and so on, and then when the people fight back, you know like here, we, the indigenous people have been the target of genocide from the day that Europeans arrived here, that the invaders first set foot here.

They came to us, and we said well, the only way you can live on Great Turtle Island is that you have to follow the Two Row Wampum, they said “what is that?”.

Well the Two Row is the two paths, the two paths that are parallel and you have to follow your path and we have to follow ours, and you have to maintain your own ways, your own language and we will show you how to live here and you can run your own communities but you can never ever have the land because the land belongs to the future generations, and we in our canoe, you in your ship and we in our canoe, we go down that river and we maintain all of the land, all of the waters, all of the resources, they don’t belong to us, we belong to it, to the natural world.

So, when we have that peace, called the Great Peace of Montreal in 1701, all of the nations of Great Turtle Island came to make this agreement with the French, French said yes, we said “Ok, if you agree to the Two Row Wampum, then we will allow you to live here, this will be kind of like your visa or your passport or whatever. You can stay here but if you violate that, then you have no right to be here. That means you haven’t come to one mind with us, you are breaking, you are breaching this agreement”.

So, then at the same time we went down to Albany, the British were down there and they said they wanted to have the same kind of agreement as the one we had in the Great Peace of Montreal. Now that was signed by 49 of our nations on behalf of all of the nations of Great Turtle Island, so the British agreed to it and they wrote it up themselves and they called it the Nanfan Treaty of 1701.

Robles: But then they violated it.

Horn: Then they breached it as well. So, that was the only treaty that ever gave the immigrants, or the invaders, any right to live here and they breached it.

So, they are occupiers, illegal occupiers of Great Turtle Island today, from that time on till today.

On top of that we never gave up our land and we never gave up our resources. Nothing, we never gave up any of it because we can’t and so, the corporation was set up called “The Corporation of the United States” and “the Corporation of Canada”.

Corporation of Canada, which has the same shareholders, the old royal families in Europe are the shareholders of these corporations. Actually their the bankers, who are the shareholders, they set up this Corporation of Canada.

And I was speaking at a college and I pulled up this… I said “look at this number”, and the students looked at it. I said “Do you know what that number is?”

They said; “No.”

I said “that is the number of the corporation of Canada, you can find it on the Internet”.

It is incorporated in Washington DC. It is a corporation with shareholders and it is under the admiralty laws, the laws of the sea. So they have no right to come to our land and place themselves on our land and set up these courts and governments and everything else, they have no right to do that.

That is a complete and total violation of the Great Peace of Montreal and Two Row Wampum, the basic foundations of that peace and it also even violates their own laws of the seas.

So, now, right now what has happened is they have no right to our resources but Canada has the most resources that are necessary to make war. We have all the resources that are needed plus, I will tell you what else; in 1867 the British North-America Act was passed and it supposedly set up Canada, it was supposedly the constitution, but it was passed by the British parliament and in it is section 109.

Section 109 says that an account will be set up for the indigenous people and all of the monies coming from all of the royalties or anything that is made, of their rents, everything that is made on the resources of Canada, a portion of it first it shall go into this account, and it is called the Indian Trust Fund.

So, all the monies went into that account and immediately upon that happening the corporation of Canada passed an illegal law, a bylaw, which is all a corporation can do, and they called it the Indian Act and in it they said that a person is anybody other than an Indian.

So, we then were declared as non-person. And so they became the trustees of our money, of our funds, of the Indian Trust Fund, and now they have been using our Indian Trust Fund to build Canada."

(Canada is in Fact a Corporation - Part Two, John Anthony Robles II interviews Kahn-Tineta Horn / Kahentinetha Horn, Mohawk Indian of the Bear Clan and Mohawk Nation Elder, for Voice Of Russia.  Archived at  http://jar2.com/Interviews/Kahntineta_Bear.html .)

"So, these belts are the real peace treaty for the whole world. That what we've been told, that's come down to us. That is what we know and that is what we are supposed to do – spread the peace throughout the world. And we have this philosophy and tools to do it."  (Part 1: American Indians seeking Russia's 1700 Peace Treaty Belt - April 2014, John Anthony Robles II interviews Kahn-Tineta Horn / Kahentinetha Horn, Mohawk Indian of the Bear Clan and Mohawk Nation Elder, for Voice Of Russia.  Archived at  http://jar2.com/Interviews/Kahntineta_Bear.html .)

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