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Medlemmer: 18
Siste aktivitet: apr 9, 2020


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Kommentert av Leif av Gudalandet den 20 september 2019 kl. 23.13

Two days ago I received Michael St.Clair's Lighs-Seeds — Futures [note the plural] of Planet Earth (2008), that I finally had ordered on August 28'th.  Today I opened it of whatever chapter that would come up, and it opened on p. 197, Transmigrating Emanations.  It is a vision that he had.  He passed a time portal and travelled out of body to view another planet similar to ours but in the past from us, seeing it ravaged by an irreversible level of insanity until it was doomed and ripped apart.  The worst part was that no one cared. 

He then noticed as the planet was a lifeless, burnt out shell floating in space, some kind of movement that he could not see but sense in the space around the burnt out atmosphere.  He couldn't see what it was but he could sense it.  It was something like a black or dark psychic cloud.  He writes that he knew that it was the entity like thoughts of the hatred that had polluted the minds of the people fighting the wars.  [Note entity like, not that it was an entity.  It was apparently thought forms.]

He writes that the psychic darkness began to search for life and found none.  And that the dark cloud then left the lifeless shell of the destroyed planet, and that he knew in his heart that it was headed for Earth.  He writes that the races that had destroyed themselves were much older and more advanced than we are now.  He writes that the darkness arrived at Earth in some distant past, maybe before Atlantis.  That the darkness could only feed on the energy of hatred, fear and suffering, of destruction and war. 

He writes that the darkness made a secret alliance with the dark priests of Atlantis to live through them and be a part of them for control of Earth and it's resources.  He writes that the dark force passed into the psyche of man, but could not take control over sovereign minds, people of good heart, emanating love.  And so the battle for the mind of man had begun.

He writes that The Tribe of Light saw the darkness take hold and took action to limit the destructive power being unleashed on Earth.  Atlantis sank and the technological power base was destroyed.  But the dark force was not.  And he writes more, but you get it from this.  The next chapter is on how building a sane world.  On I-Magi-Nation, etc..


Kommentert av Bjørn Affirmant den 25 oktober 2018 kl. 21.49

Takk til alle som kommer med BØKER til Bokhylla i ROMMET...blir mange " nye " i hylla neste uke...

Kommentert av Bjørn Affirmant den 10 august 2018 kl. 20.55

Gratis utlån av bøker fra BOKHYLLA i ROMMET...har du utleste bøker til overs...sett de inn der så andre kan lese de...Takk...

Kommentert av Bjørn Affirmant den 10 juli 2013 kl. 14.12

Kommentert av Bjørn Affirmant den 2 juli 2013 kl. 15.18

Kommentert av Bjørn Affirmant den 27 juni 2013 kl. 14.27

Kommentert av Bjørn Affirmant den 23 juni 2013 kl. 20.03

Kommentert av Bjørn Affirmant den 22 juni 2013 kl. 20.56

Kommentert av Bjørn Affirmant den 14 april 2013 kl. 16.34

Kommentert av Kristin Teigen den 10 mars 2013 kl. 23.16

Hei, eg lånte den niende innsikt fra biblioteket men desverre vart det solgt ein del bøker derifra for eit par år sia når biblioteket bytta lokale. Skal sjå om eg får kjøpt den tolvte innsikt hos Energica. Om ikkje eg får kjøpa der går det sikkert an å få tak i ho på andre måtar. 


Medlemmer (15)



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